The Roots
What is a Gypsy Soul?
There's a beautiful expression that refers to many free spirited people in search of something in life; these people identify themselves as Gypsy Souls.
The Gypsy nomadic lifestyle perfectly embodies the feelings of the eternal wanderer; a wild spirit that is continuously searching for a home, while battling their inner demons and struggling with the thirst for a place to belong. In fact: "Gypsy Heart" might be a more accurate description.
Gypsy Souls rarely like to settle down and extend their roots in any one place, preferring to live a life to the rhythm of their own drums, while not caring much about social convention. To seek for the extraordinary and magical in daily life rather than the normal and average is at the heart of every Gypsy Soul.
Enjoying the boundless freedom that comes with not being tied down or encaged, the Gypsy Soul carries around feelings that behind the next mountain and within the next forest there will be a place of peace: a place they can call home.
The beauty of life for the Gypsy Soul comes in the liberty to live wildly, to dance in the rain and sing under the starry night sky, to belong to no one and everyone, and to speak with their own voices.
To the Gypsy Soul true freedom comes in knowing that when you don't belong anywhere: everywhere and everything becomes home.
Traits of the Gypsy Soul include the following:
You're independent and individualistic
You love to travel and explore new cultures
You constantly see the magic and beauty in life
You're authentic to your needs and desires
You're attracted to the mystical and occult
You're courageous in the face of uncertainty
You have experienced soul loss at one point or another in life
You're assertive and bold
You're curious about exploring the body, mind and soul
You're unhappy in an average, duty-bound life
You're in touch with your emotions, but you tend to be emotionally reactive
You're artistic, creative and self-expressive